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  • How do we name keyboard layouts?

    The percentage naming is one of the methods used to differentiate keyboard sizes, based on the size of a 104-key layout (which is the most common keyboard layout today) as the standard 100% size, and other keyboard layouts are named according to their area. The percentage naming is based on keycap size and key spacing that conforms to our general usage habits.

    Keyboards can also be classified based on the number of keys. Unlike classification based on the number of keys, this classification is not influenced by different periods or layout designs.

    01- 100% Keyboard

    A 100% keyboard consists of a typing area, an editing key area, and a numeric key area, making up the complete three sections known as a standard keyboard. 100% keyboards include 104-key, 101-key, and 108-key keyboards, which are the most common types.

    02 -85% Keyboard

    Peripheral Knowledge: Naming of Keyboard Layout Percentages Akko 3098 DS Ocean Star Mechanical Keyboard

    An 85% keyboard includes a typing area and a numeric key area, but the editing key area is either removed or rearranged, such as the PLUM 96-key keyboard.

    03-80% Keyboard

    An 80% keyboard includes a typing area and an editing key area but lacks a numeric key area. 80% keyboards include 87-key, 84-key, RealForce 86-key keyboards, and others.

    04-75% Keyboard


    Akko 5075S

    A 75% keyboard includes a typing area and, compared to a 70% keyboard, adds an extra row for the placement of editing keys. Although it exists independently, it is a dispersed design compared to the standard version. This type of keyboard includes notebook-style arrangements, and RACE is also a 75% design.

    05- 70% Keyboard

    A 70% keyboard includes a typing area and some additional function keys. It falls between the 75% and 60% designs. However, the definition of this size is not clear, and some keyboards that could be considered 70% are often classified as 60%.

    06-60% Keyboard

    Akko 3061S

    A 60% keyboard only includes the main typing area and uses modifier keys for additional functions. It lacks an editing key area and a numeric key area. Some 60% keyboards, while maintaining the same size, split some keys and include additional function keys like arrow keys, although changing keycaps may be slightly inconvenient. 60% keyboards are compact, can achieve most functions through key combinations, and usually have distinctive appearances.

    Some keyboards slightly expand upon the 60% layout by adding a few keys, but they become slightly larger than 60%, such as the LEOPOLD FC660M and DeeLong custom keyboards. Many players also create their own 60% keyboards.

    07-40% Keyboard

    ACR TOP 40

    This naming convention is no longer in use. 40% keyboards were defined early on in the mainland, primarily for promoting Poker keyboards, but later it was changed to 60% promotion. The definition of 40% keyboards is no longer used.

    08-20% Keyboard

    Peripheral Knowledge: Naming of Keyboard Layout Percentages Magic Egg 21-Key Numeric Keypad

    A 20% layout refers to a numeric keypad. This term possibly originated from a keyboard enthusiast called alps.tw, who introduced a term in the Keyboard Talk forum, referring to keyboards without a numeric key area as 80%, as the numeric key area occupies about 20% of the keyboard. Subsequently, alps.tw also defined 85% and 60% keyboards. Due to the appearance of such naming conventions, which effectively describe the development of modern key configurations and are intuitive, they have been widely used by players and even manufacturers. It is currently considered an ideal classification method.

    Based on the layout of a 100% keyboard, various keyboard products with different divisions have been derived, leading to the development of the peripheral DIY market. After becoming tired of standard layouts, everyone can try smaller layout keyboards, which can bring a lot of fun.

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