It is to our attention that the following seller is selling counterfeit Akko CS Switches on amazon.
- Business Name:xinyishiyijiantongmaoyiyouxiangongsi
- Business Address:
- wentoucunluoyunkaishouceng
- dongzhenzhentangmianguanliqu
- xinyishi
- guangdongsheng
- 525300
- CN
- Business Name:xin yi jian mao guan dian zi shang wu you xian gon
- Business Address:
- 塘面管理区
- 文头村87号
- 信宜
- 东镇镇
- 广东省茂名信宜市
- 525300
- CN
Customers are receiving fake products as follows.
Note Akko Ocean Blue switches don’t have dustproof stem whereas the following switches have.
Please avoid buying from this seller.